Welcome to my first website. I appreciate your bid'ness. As of now this website's only purpose is a place for me to spew my views at you should be prepared to receive a lot of information you do not need. Below I will have any and all updates for each of the four segments of my site. Enjoy, my internet friends. (a note about the picture: it will be changed every now and then...I am willing to take suggestions for good pictures.)


Album of the Week

November 1st, 2000

Okay, so this page is due for a MASSIVE update. In the very near future you will see a completely different site. Less complicated, more informative, better. Also, i don't think is working anymore. Not sure why. Okay, time for sleep. Check back for Matty's Playland 3.0.

October 3rd, 2000

You can now access my page from I have to deal with a banner on the bottom, but it goes away when you click on anything. Soon there will be big changes here and at my guster site which will be very soon. More soon

September 7th, 2000

Okay, so it's been about four months since I last changed anything. I am going to be starting a new project soon for the UW-Madison music committee. I will do periodic updates here still. As much as I can.

May 4th, 2000

New CD and Movie of the week. Woop, Woop.

May 3rd, 2000

A new essay for all. I think it is going to be the first in a series.

April 26th, 2000

I updated the CDs and Movies of the week. Check out the cd especially, it is SO good.

April 23rd, 2000

Matty's Playland 2.0! Enjoy the new site ya'll. Let me know what you think! Oh, and there is also a new essay to commemorate the occassion.

March 30th, 2000

Yes, I have been in a cave. The cave was big though, don't worry. I have done some random updating throughout the page. I have been busy working on another site,, which is a hip hop conference I am helping plan at UW-Madison. Check it out.

February 16th, 2000

Long time, woo. Anyway, there are new CDs and Movies of the week. Sorry about the lack of change on this main page, but I have been busy with school. Hopefully I'll get some time to do this more often.

January 31st, 2000

I updated the 'of the weeks.' Yeah.

January 27th, 2000

I made some slight changes to the BFF site. So if it were BFF 2.0, it is now BFF 2.1. Also, I changed the picture above and hope to have new CDs and movies of the week.

January 20th, 2000

I added a whole bunch of reviews to the BFF section. mmhmm.

January 19th, 2000

New essay and a whole bunch of changes and tour dates across the board. Check everything out.

January 13th, 2000

Welcome to 2000. We have new albums and movies of the week, so enjoy that. And I have done some updates to other parts of the site. Peace yo.


I updated tour dates and the CD of the week. Yeah.


I did a bunch of tour date updating and I added an article to the BFF page with some new news.

my friend steve. he's amusing.

Science Shows Proof of Heaven
Hell Breaks Loose

(Note: not really, but for the sake of this essay we will say it did)

CHICAGO, IL-Yesterday Dr. Roberts, professor at MIT, discovered that Heaven does exist. This information came following his extensive studies in quantum physics and thermoatmospheric studies.

This discover has created an uproar in the religous and scientific communities. People from both sides have spoken out against this finding. Father Andrews of the First Catholic Church in Downers Grove, IL said, "I am glad that the scientific community was able to find heaven. We have known of its existence for thousands of years and are happy to share this knowledge with them. I pray for a religious rebirth in our society now that this information has come to light." Father Andrews went on to say that this was God's way of speaking to the scientist's because they did always understand the word of the Church.

Professor Samswell's,from the University of San Francisco, supported Father Andrews' comments on thesefindings. "For many years I knew that there was a God in my head, but doubted it. As a result of this empirical proof I can believe with all of my heart and soul in God." When asked about his interest in pursuing the study he commented, "I think that we should go ahead and continue our studies. We should try to find out more about this so that we can truly understand religion and what it means. The Church has taken us so far and now it is time for the scientists to do their part."

The general public's reaction has been much more mixed. Upon speaking to some of the members of Father Andrew's Church I found that they did not like the idea of science discovering heaven. They felt that the scientists had invaded on their turf and affecting their belief system. This has caused a few small demonstrations in the Chicago Area. They have been peaceful so far but as information continues to surface over the coming months, who knows what may happen.

This discovery has shaken everything that we know to be true. For so long we have assumed that Science and Religion were seperate and this discovery finals brings us together. Although little detail is known about what exactly has been found, we will continue to share this information with you as it is available. Until then, keep your eyes glued to the tv, internet and newspapers.

Matt Jacobs
May 3rd


Old news and essays can be found here. (as if you care)


I Oughtta Give You...

Movie of the Week

Lost Highway
A film by David Lynch







How to contact Matty:

email: [email protected]
AIM: Lifeisski OR Mattylovesmusic
ICQ: 25174853


since October 7th, 1999

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